George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

Sexual Assault, the Military, and Victim Resources

By: Allison Walsh, CLASV Student Advisor Spring 2014

Sexual assault is a serious crime that has recently pervaded the media, particularly in regard to the military services.  “The Pentagon estimates that 26,000 troops were assaulted or raped [in 2012].  But only a fraction of them, about 3,300, filed reports with military police or prosecutors in that time period.” Read more

Sexual Assault in the Military

By Eric Cheung- Spring 2014 CLASV Student Advisor

The military is said to be regimented, structured, and orderly to help mold individuals to follow commands instinctively.   This system is instilled in the very beginning of an individual’s military career.  The military provides a methodically planned schedule for all their recruits.  Read more

Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order Before You Deploy

By Michelle Caton ’13, Fall 2013 CLASV Student Advisor

Preparing for a deployment involves a seemingly endless stream of paperwork, meetings, and decisions. In the hectic weeks prior to departing, it can be easy to overlook some important actions that you can do to make life for yourself and your family a little simpler while you are gone. Read more

Security Clearance Considerations when Leaving Military Service

By: Garrett VanPelt, CLASV Student Advisor Summer 2013

Many servicemembers receive security clearances during their military service and these clearances can be a distinct advantage when transferring into the civilian workforce.  The high cost of obtaining a fresh security clearance is a large incentive for employers to hire servicemembers with current clearance investigations; however, servicemembers may not be aware of the regulations surrounding their clearances and how to ensure that they can leverage their clearances to obtain civilian employment. Read more

Down Goes DOMA: The Affect on the U.S. Military

By Linda Tran, Summer 2013 CLASV Student Advisor

When the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) became effective in 1996, it prevented the federal government from recognizing the legal marriages of same-sex couples for the purpose of federal laws or programs.[1]  Same-sex spouses were denied federal benefits such as Social Security, veterans’ benefits, health insurance, and retirement savings. Read more

Veterans’ Courts: A Judicial Model for Treating the Invisible Wounds of War

By J. Justin Collins, CLASV AmeriCorps Summer 13 Fellow & Student Advisor

Since 2001, approximately 2.2 Million servicemen and women have deployed overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (“OEF”) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (“OIF”). [i]  Of these deployed servicemembers, 36.7% took small arms fire, 48% killed an enemy combatant, 51% handled human remains, 28% were responsible for the death of a non-combatant, and 86% knew someone who was killed or seriously injured. Read more